Saturday, July 28, 2012

Four Weeks Old

My first stroller ride!!! Check out my cool wheels! Thank you to Wilson's Aunts and Uncles for this awesome stroller!
Just chillin!

First girls shopping trip!

After shopping we put Miley down on the seat in the car and this is the pose she struck! LOL! Shopping with Grandma and I is exhausting! :) (And yes she is wearing pink camo)
Maybe she is doing ballet in her sleep???

First softball game! Daddy loves his little girl!

Please Mom, no more pictures...I am trying to get my beauty rest!

Miley is thinking..."What can I do to my parents next???"
Wilson calls this her stone face! LOL! Sometimes she just freezes with this expression.

Happy Miley!

She always manages to get her arms out!

Miley is four weeks old now! We had some adventures this last week for sure. Miley went on her first shopping extravaganza with Grandma and I. We went down to Farmington and went to the Motherhood maternity store for some much needed Mommy items! Miley did really well and was very entertained with the lights, sounds, and people. It was her very first stroller riding experience as well. Miley also went to her first softball game to cheer her Daddy on. I was also brave this week and took Miley on our own on her first grocery store run for diapers. It has been nice to get out in the world again and has been so wonderful seeing friends! My stamina is definitely still down but I am trying to get out and about. I am learning the ropes of motherhood for sure this week. Miley has been more awake and alert than ever. She is definitely keeping me busy guessing what she needs! I have discovered that she loves the moby wrap and I think I am going to be living in it indefinitely! Thanks for all the love, advice, and support.

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