Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The 6th Month

Fun New Year's Eve PARTY with GREAT friends!!!!
Chris and Maggie came to visit and bring in the New YEAR!!!!

Miley loves her Daddy! She always has a big smile on her face when she sees her Daddy and when he is holding her!!! Priceless!!!

Miley's first trip to Moab! We went to Moab for the day. We enjoyed some beer cheese soup, went for a hike, and enjoyed the scenery. Moab is one of our favorite places!

She's a Colorado girl!!!! See her cool vest!!!
I learned to sit really well this month!!!

Look I'm sitting in the grocery cart all by myself!!! I'm getting so BIG!

Lounging around

I love playing in my exersaucer!!!!

I started my first solids this month!
I'm a good eater! I have had bananas, pears, avocado, and sweet potatoes!!!

Guess what I am???
Caught Miley laughing and yes it was 7 degrees!

Miley loves her baths and is sitting so well in her bath tub!
Miley had a GREAT six month! Highlights of the month include celebrating her first New Year's, starting solids, sitting well, cutting her two front teeth, saying mamamamama, talking a lot, shaking her head side to side, staring at herself in the mirror, and bouncing up and down in her exersaucer.  Miley is sleeping really well during the day with three naps and all through the night (most nights). She also got to interact this month with her new baby friend Liam! It is adorable to watch them socialize with one another. They both seem to enjoy each others company and so do the Mommies!!! Wilson and I have really gotten back into the world this month, getting out more, and for me, working a little more! We are so excited to really be more like ourselves again (active), plus ONE! We have met a lot of new couples through our church and are so excited to be getting to know new friends. It has been a great start to the New Year. We love our precious baby girl and we are enjoying every special step along the way. There are still many nights when we just sit and stare at her and wonder what we ever did before she got here!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The 5th Month

Merry Christmas!!!!

Daddy's Girl!!!

Enjoying new toys!

Amazed with wrapping paper!

Yes she got her 1st boom box!!!

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Family was too good to Miss Miley!!!Thank you all for loving our little girl! :)
Had Christmas Day Lunch with Daddy at the Fire Dept.

What's up???

Miley's 1st sledding adventure with Mom, Dad, Chris, and Maggie! She passed out!

Can't start too young!!!

We finally got some snow!

Road to our house

Our little elf! She is wearing a hat that Wilson wore when he was little.

The deer and elk have taken up residence in our back yard!
Sitting well with her boppy.

Sooooo busy!!!

Beautiful Christmas dress from Aunt Sherri!

Loving to pull on the tree branches!

Christmas tree hunt

Miley and her Pal Tiffany!!!

The snowshoeing gang!

Well Miley had a busy fifth month. She went on Christmas tree hunts, celebrated her first Christmas, went sledding, and started sitting up with only her boppy pillow for assistance. She just keeps growing faster than we can believe. She is such a precious little girl! We are enjoying every moment with her and are so blessed to have her in our lives. She amazes us every day with her constant growth and development. It is truly such a gift to see such a beautiful little girl grow and enjoy life.