Sunday, September 15, 2013

Months 13& 14

    We have been on the GO, GO, GO! Miley has started walking and she is practically running already. She does run behind her walker and has even learned how to turn it. The other day she noticed her shadow and was having lots of fun playing with it! She also has really started to like more solid finger foods and is feeding herself. Grapes, eggs, tomatoes, avocado chunks, cheese, and cottage cheese are among her most recent favorites. New words include hot, bath, backpack(I'm not kidding), baby, grapes, kitty, herego (here you go), and all done. Miley has also started making animal sounds. When I point to the dog she says "woof", the cat "meow", and the sheep "baaaaa". We have a little smarty on our hands! She has also learned to wave her finger no, as if to imitate mommy. Music seems to still be one of her most favorite things. She dances like crazy as soon as it comes on. We have started the potty training process and she has actually gone to the bathroom several times while on the toilet. Miley also likes to wash her hands, body, and hair in the bath tub. She even likes to comb her hair and mine! What a girly girl (I don't know where she gets that from)!! She has also started exploring how to jump and bounce and has started giving hugs and kisses.

    Miley and I also traveled to Seattle with Grandma & Grandpa to visit for the first time, Uncle Greg, Aunt Andrea, Wilhelm, Robin, & Baby Annaliese! We had an amazing time seeing every body and exploring Seattle. Adventures included Pike's Market, Sight-seeing park over looks, the aquarium, eating at yummy restaurants, float plane flying tour, and spending quality time with family and friends. A big thanks to our hosts!!! As you can see, we have been very busy. Time just keeps flying by. We are truly treasuring this time with our little Miley and can't believe how much she has transformed into a toddler just these last two months. How does she keep growing so quickly?? Must be all that yummy food she never stops eating!!! Until next time...

Eating one of her favorite treats...apples!

She is quite the silly girl!

Sporting the hoodie!
Quite the kitchen HELPER too!

Love her smile!!!

Princess Miley in training!

She is trying to write already!!

Pike's Market, Seattle

Miley over-looking Seattle with Aunt Andrea & Uncle Greg

Seeing the sites with Grandma & Grandpa

Beautiful sunset

Silly faces!

LOVED seeing my dear sweet friend Robin!

We picked up on old times just like it was yesterday, except now we have kids! LOL! I think Wilhelm is still in shock! Hehehe

Miley loved baby Annaliese! She kept bringing her things and petting her head! LOL


Me contemplating whether I should get in this incredibly tiny plane???!!!

Wilhelm teaching me how to fly!!!

Taking off from Lake Union!!

Seeing the sites!

Thanks again pilot Wilhelm for taking me on this amazing flight! It is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced! LOVED IT!!!

Space Needle

This is Wilhelm's office!!! Nice!

Miley loves sitting on the couch now like a big girl.

Date night with my hubby at BarD Chuckwagon! LOVE HIM!!!

Neil family invited us out to enjoy the music!  We had a blast! Thanks again!

Operation extract Miley from her cradle to her big girl crib! Went well for one night, but many sleepless nights and days later we have resorted back to the cradle. I'm pretty sure she is going to be sleeping in her cradle for the rest of her life!

This was a very tired Miley after sleepless nights with out her cradle. Elmo made her feel better!

Boxes are SO much fun!

Buying beautiful flowers at the market in Seattle! Only $5!!!

Enjoying a Seattle Park!
Until next time...bye bye!