Saturday, June 8, 2013

10 months- Ladies and Gentlemen we have a crawler!!!

Month ten has been an exciting one! Miley has learned to crawl and she is into everything! I think she spent the past ten months planning every thing she was going to get into. Needless to say, she is keeping me on my toes. I am learning to child proof the house. She has gotten into things I never expected her to. For example, the other day I learned a very valuable Mommy lesson! When crawling child discovers sticky mouse pad trap and proceeds to get hand stuck in the stickiest glue you have ever seen, an all natural almond oil sugar scrub (made by Nona) will get it off!!!! Thank you Nona!!! This discovered after Dawn dish soap, coconut oil, and call to poison control center!!! Like I said, this girl is keeping me hopping. In addition to crawling, Miley has also learned to say Dada and talk enthusiastic baby babble. She has also started clapping her hands to music and can drink from a sippy cup all by herself. Finger foods are of great interest to her as she is learning to feed herself. It's amazing to watch her coordination develop in leaps and bounds. Seems like just the other day, she could do nothing on her own. She is growing so FAST! I am truly so blessed to be home with her now full time. I am loving my new full time position as Mommy CEO. Being able to see every little milestone along the way is so special. I am so thankful for this time with her.

Morning play

Memorial Day outfit from Grandma and Grandpa

Miley has an interesting crawl. One foot and one knee!


Helping Momma with the dishes
Fun playing find Momma

Morning SUN

Helping Momma with the groceries. She's such a good helper!!

Crawling through the chair maze!

Sitting pretty

Miley is getting too big for her infant car seat. Think we will have to get the bigger one out soon!

Playing with Daddy at the park

Miley loves watching the washer and dryer go round and round! She claps!

Miley out for a bike ride with her buddy Liam. Notice her elbow on his shoulder! Too cute!!!

Another day at the park!

P.S. : Miley's birthday is coming up and I have had lots of people asking for birthday ideas so I created a wish list on amazon under my name. Hope this helps with ideas! :)