Thursday, February 16, 2012

Guess what???? We are having a baby GIRL! We are so excited! We both thought it was a boy so we have been in a bit of shock because boy were we wrong! Let the girl games begin :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Belly shot 18 weeks!

Tiffany and I having fun baby shopping in Target!

How does this work?

Adorable baby stuff!
 Well, at 20 weeks it finally bump truly came out! LOL! People are now acknowledging my bump! Clothes are definitely not fitting how they used to. I have been feeling great! I passed my 3 hour glucose testing which was awful but so thankful to be done with that. We had our midway ultra sound done Friday and got to see our precious baby in 3D which is truly amazing. It is incredible what they can see and measure with the ultrasound machine. All of baby's vital organs were the appropriate size and functioning. Bones and anatomy were developing appropriately as well. Baby weighs 15 oz and is 10 1/2 inches from head to toe. Praise God every thing seems to be right on track. Baby was moving all over the place during the ultrasound and has been very active the last couple of weeks. I think we are going to have a little martial artist! LOL! We are so thankful for this kiddo on the way and are getting very excited. I have gained a  whopping 8lbs already and have had some serious food craving lately like enchiladas and steak! Our first piece of baby furniture, the crib, just arrived yesterday and I can't wait to put it together. The baby room addition is moving slowly but will hopefully start progressing soon as time permits.We are going to find out the gender on Valentine's Day so exciting news to come soon :)

Baby back at 9 weeks

9 weeks

21 weeks- 3D ultrasound

Isn't baby cute!

profile pic

21 week belly shot