Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week 13 & 14

We have had a busy last two weeks. We started out by celebrating with Daddy at the Bayfield Heritage Days Sheep Festival! Wilson was working the event with the fire dept. He and Miley collected money in the fire boot for muscular dystrophy. Needless to say, Wilson collected the most money with Miley's help. There was a parade, music, dancing, pie eating, fireworks, and sheep of course! It was an event! Wilson got roped into pie eating and polish dancing while on duty! Quite entertaining. Miley has been doing great the last two weeks. She is sleeping great at night and is babbling up a storm. She has even started to make a few consonant sounds! Miley also found her feet this week! She is quite amused by them. I often catch her staring at them remarkably! LOL! We have also started putting her in her bumbo chair and she loves it...most of the time. It is a good thing we started using it because she is going  to out grow it soon. She is getting sooooo big!!!
Me with the Polish dancers from Chicago!

Go Wilson GO!!! Pie eating contest with his colleagues.

Caught my man dancing with a Polish woman!!!! Supposably it was an order ;)

Miley exhauseted after a long day of Bayfield fun!

She loves her play mat :)

Aunt Sherri sent this adorable lady bug outfit. It is a little too big now but will work GREAT next year! :)

Playing with her can see the sheep theme around here huh???

Fall is in the air!

Hunter holding Miley. You did a good job with Miley Hunter!!! :) She likes you!

Hanging out
LOL...."what little ole me????" (That is what she is thinking)

"Look, I have feet!!!!"

"Check out my bumbo! :)"


"My toys!"

She so looks like a precious moment figurine! 

Sporting the Aunt shirt :)

Tummy time

"Check out my 70s outfit!"
"Look, it's my feet again!!!"

Sporting the Daddy outfit! Such a Daddy's girl!

Grandma sent Miley her first pair of jeans!!! TEXAS baby at heart!

Love this expression

Sporting the Mommy outfit! I was feeling left out!

Sweet as a cherry!
