Saturday, July 28, 2012

Four Weeks Old

My first stroller ride!!! Check out my cool wheels! Thank you to Wilson's Aunts and Uncles for this awesome stroller!
Just chillin!

First girls shopping trip!

After shopping we put Miley down on the seat in the car and this is the pose she struck! LOL! Shopping with Grandma and I is exhausting! :) (And yes she is wearing pink camo)
Maybe she is doing ballet in her sleep???

First softball game! Daddy loves his little girl!

Please Mom, no more pictures...I am trying to get my beauty rest!

Miley is thinking..."What can I do to my parents next???"
Wilson calls this her stone face! LOL! Sometimes she just freezes with this expression.

Happy Miley!

She always manages to get her arms out!

Miley is four weeks old now! We had some adventures this last week for sure. Miley went on her first shopping extravaganza with Grandma and I. We went down to Farmington and went to the Motherhood maternity store for some much needed Mommy items! Miley did really well and was very entertained with the lights, sounds, and people. It was her very first stroller riding experience as well. Miley also went to her first softball game to cheer her Daddy on. I was also brave this week and took Miley on our own on her first grocery store run for diapers. It has been nice to get out in the world again and has been so wonderful seeing friends! My stamina is definitely still down but I am trying to get out and about. I am learning the ropes of motherhood for sure this week. Miley has been more awake and alert than ever. She is definitely keeping me busy guessing what she needs! I have discovered that she loves the moby wrap and I think I am going to be living in it indefinitely! Thanks for all the love, advice, and support.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Three Weeks Old

Three weeks have gone by already! This week was full of new adventures including Miley's first bath! She loved her bath time which proved that she is her Mama's girl. We also took Miley to her second doctors appointment this last week. She got an A+ weighing in at a whopping 8lbs 9oz! Yea, that means the frequent feedings, though exhausting, are paying off. She also grew a whole inch. Wilson, Miley, Grandma, and I had a picnic as well this week to get out of the house and we took a walk on the river trail with Miley in her ergo! It was nice to be out in the world again. We have been enjoying Grandma's visit and all of her help! My endurance is still really down from bed rest and sleep deprivation but I am feeling a little better. Healing is slow due to lack of sleep but hopefully my body will keep mending. I have really appreciated the calls, messages, and help from friends over the last few weeks. Motherhood is definitely an adjustment. A special thanks to Tammy and her sister for coming to my rescue and helping me when Wilson had to go back to work!




Friday, July 13, 2012

Two Weeks Old!!!

I can't believe our little Miley will already be two weeks old tonight! Time has flown by these last two weeks. Miley has done really well at her first two check-ups! She is on track for weight and is healthy and doing GREAT! She is truly such a good baby! We are loving her to pieces and we are so thankful she is here! I am not real sure what we did before she got here??? I am feeling a lot better this week as well and can't wait to get back into the world. We had our first big outing on Tuesday which consisted of us running errands (one of us running in and out of stores), going to hospital appointment, and having a car picnic! LOL! Life is really different with a baby but we are sure loving parenthood! Miley seems to really enjoy car rides, sleeping away in her car seat. She is breaking us in slowly with the usual rookie parent experiences including peeing around her diaper, peeing while being changed, explosive diapers continuously, etc. Oh the things we have to learn! She is definitely keeping us on our toes! We are getting used to the sleep deprivation and are functioning a little more efficiently this week! LOL! Miley is up every two to three hours for the most part with a few four hour stretches here and there. She is truly a blessing and we are cherishing every moment with her.  Every one keeps telling us that she will grow up too fast. I BELIEVE IT!!!

Passed out!! It is hard being a baby!

Miley and Daddy bonding time! Aren't they cute! She is a Daddy's girl!

Getting a little sun!

All dressed up for her doctors appointment and errand day!

Sponge bath time!

Wide awake!

Not sure what she is trying to point at but she was trying to tell me something! LOL


Practicing her baby model poses!

She is trying to figure out what Mom has put on her head???