Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Fourth Month

Miley's 1st snow


Miley's fourth month has been filled with adventures and many first experiences! Miley went to Texas to meet many friends and family members! This adventure started via road trip with Daddy. We traveled from Durango to Clovis New Mexico with only one stop to start the trip off. In Clovis, we stopped to have dinner with my dear friend Sara from nursing school and her family. It was so awesome to see her! I hadn't seen her in over five years!!! We then hit the road after dinner and Wilson drove all night to Austin Texas with out stopping! Wilson is insane and Miley is a trooper. She did so awesome on this crazy long car ride. She slept all night! We think she may have only cried a combined 45 min the entire drive home! What a good girl!!! :) In Austin, we stayed with our dear friends Brandi and Brandon and their little boy Clay. We had an awesome time visiting the Berdolls who we also hadn't seen in years. It was so great to catch up with such wonderful friends. We continued our trip to Wilson's parents house in Sandia Texas where we stayed at the lake. This was the first time Wilson and I had been home together in years! Oh the memories :)! We had an amazing time with Wilson's parents and Miley finally got to meet her Papaw!!! Wilson's parents spoiled us with wonderful meals, date nights, and a kayaking get away! After a few days at Wilson's parents, Wilson and his Dad drove back to Durango and Miley and I headed for Corpus Christi to stay with my parents! Miley got to meet her Grandpa, Great Aunt, Great Uncle, Great Grandparents, and family friends for the first time . My sister also came up with my nephew Ryan to see Miss Miley again since they hadn't seen her since she was born! Grandma had a blast spoiling her as well :)!  Needless to say, Miley had a fan club. We had so much fun with family going on Miley's first beach trip, eating yummy south Texas cuisine, shopping, and relaxing. Miley also decided to start teething during this trip! She got her two front bottom teeth and if that wasn't enough she decided to show off by rolling over and giggling for the first time during this trip as well. :) She has grown soooo much through out this month. Miley also discovered her hands and has been fascinated with them ever since. She is really developing such a precious little personality. After our time in Corpus concluded, Miley and I made a super long trek home via her first plane trip. We traveled from Corpus to Houston, from Houston to Denver, from Denver to Albuquerque (due to weather), and from Albuquerque to Durango. Despite diaper explosions, turbulence, bad weather, and rerouting, the trip went great. Miley made friends with just about every one on the plane and every one kept telling her what a good baby she was. I couldn't have asked for a better traveler.  Upon returning home, Miley enjoyed her first Thanksgiving with our dear neighbors. Wilson and I have enjoyed our little bundle of joy so very much and look forward to what adventures next month will bring. :)

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